Monday, January 25, 2010

Do You Kindle?

From Jan:

Do you Kindle? Do you have one of those? I don't and only know one person who has one. My friends here at Senior Living aren't in to tech stuff, most don't have computers or know how to use them, so a Kindle would be beyond their knowledge.

But someone has a Kindle and those folks have spiked my sales on Amazon's Kindle page. If you have a Kindle go order my book there. Downloads in seconds and according to my one pal with a Kindle, it looks great. But, best of all, readers of my book on Kindle have been leaving rave reviews of the book and that makes me very happy -- and surprised. Didn't expect that.

If you are still of the age and mindset that you want a "real" book here's how you get a print copy of my book..

You can order my new book ACTIVE SENIOR LIVING here.

Other news? Those of you who have been reading my blog since 2003 have followed , and supported me,through a zillion Pet scans and doctor appointments and battles with cancer. I have had cancer 6 times, and gone through 4 years of chemo and two years of radiation. This new cancer is a tumor in my liver. My recent scans showed it is growing.

Treatment? Doctor says I have been through chemo so many times that my body can't handle it again and radiation , I assume, is out of the question.

There is a clincial trial being conducted by a Doctor in Santa Monica but that would mean a long haul to get there and back and my doctor said that the pill makes you sick. Oh, great. On the good side, if it works then the cancer is gone but it is a big risk to take. Will think about it.

In the meantime, a visiting nurse is coming here twice a week to check on this darn infection around the feeding tube. Seems to be getting better but the site sure hurts. Which reminds me I have a new pain pill and it works pretty well. Tramadol. Have you heard of it or taken it?

I also had a crazy thing happen. I had some really bad pains in my lower back, was taking Tylenol every 4 hours and it was just taking the edge off. Finally, off to the doctor and bottom line is I have a compression fracture in the spine. Just what I needed ,right?
It all gets to be a joke after awhile.

Book talk? I shared son Lee's "Mr. Monk In Trouble" with a few people in here and they loved it. I did, too. I think it is his best MONK book. It's really two stories in one and lots of neat stuff about the old west. Do yourself a favor and go to and order that book.. or go into a Barnes and Noble to buy it.

What really tickled me is he had a character move into an Active senior Living place that surely did resemble where I live. Our family does that, puts in inside jokes or names characters or places after family or friends. Coming up with names for characters is one of the tough parts of writing a novel. I used high school friends' names, people from Palm Springs, people from Washington, DC. and a girl friend I have known about 40 years.

Yes, the rain here in Southern CA was pretty bad but yesterday we had blue skies and sunshine and today looks nice out, too. Chilly, but nice. More rain due on Wednesday. Natch , cus I have a doctor appointment that day.

My caregiver called in sick today with a cold so I am on my own, so time to log off here and try not to make a big mess giving my self that formula in the feeding tube.

Thanks for stopping here for a read.

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